Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 1 Getting Started-Introduction

Back in December of 2007, I received an email from fellow MLM Goldmine student, Seth Daley, talking about this "Miracle Method". I went to an introduction call and learned more about what it really was. I had never seen The Secret, but I was well aware of the Law of Attraction, Law of Reciprocity and other "Laws of The Universe".

I was in a position where I truly wanted to see big improvements in my life. I felt that 15 minutes out of my day was certainly worth seeing those improvements come to fruition. Needless to say it went very well, but as is the case in many areas of life, you need to commit to being committed to see long-term results.

So, here we are, late 2008. I received an email last evening about a new "session" of 15M3 starting up and I felt in my gut that I had to be on the call. I knew the difference between what I felt last December and what I had felt January through July of this year. Something has to give...something HAS TO CHANGE. I got on that call last night with a burning excitement deep within my very soul.

At 10am (ET) this morning I joined our first call of a 30 Day non-stop exercise. We did brief introductions and then got right into the exercise. First, 10 things I am grateful for and 10 outcomes I want to attract. And, added this time around: 3 action steps to implement TODAY to move toward my intended outcomes.

So, everyday, I will come to my blog(s) and update my progress. But before I do Day 2, I need to paint a picture of where I was yesterday. So, without any pride, here goes a detailed picture of my life prior to beginning my 30 Day 15 Minute Miracle Method.

My husband and I live with our 4 children in his parent's home. We have been here for 8.5 years. We sleep in one bedroom that consists of a bunk bed, a toddler bed, a twin sized bed (on the floor), a dresser and a hamper. We use the family room as our dining room/kitchen. Our cups, plates, utensils, etc. are in and on a dresser. We have drawers for the plates, bowls, utensils, etc. The cups are lined up on the top in a row. We also have one tall dresser for our clothing and 1/2 of a large closet for hanging other clothes. We use the garage to cook our food on a hot plate. we have a few boxes of mac & cheese, can of tuna, cans of carrots, etc. The fridge in the garage has a gallon of kool-aid and 1/2 gallon of milk, plus a few condiments. My bank account is -$125; alertpay and paypal are both at $0. My husband is not working right now. His bank accounts are almost empty and all credit cards are maxed out. We are 30 days late on the phone, car insurance; 60 days on both car payments, and all CC. The years spent rebuilding my husband's credit have quickly been reversed in the last few months. I work with a proven successful home-based business, but have not yielded the results that would enable us to maintain an adequate lifestyle. I had a friend pay-it-forward in a gifting program and am working with that as well. I am about 10 pounds overweight, since I retain weight when I don't eat; my husband is about 10-15 pounds underweight (he loses when he doesn't eat).

Now, there is a picture of where I was as of yesterday. Feeling as if there was no hope. Feeling as if the cycle we have been on for 8.5 years will not break. But, today, I am grateful for so much. SO many things look bleek in that paragraph above. But---we are ALL healthy, we have a roof over our head, A/C during hot weather, food from the local church, food for our children (via grandparents), 2 working cars, running water, internet connection, and so many more things that I can't list them all here.

Bottom line: I will NOT be in the same place, 29 days from now. You will get to see the transformation in front of your very eyes (so to speak). I know that things can only get better and I will attract more business partners into my life; gifts from strangers; clothing for school; food on a regular basis and debts will be paid off.

So, please, join me on this journey. If you'd like to join the 15 Minute Miracle Method, let me know. If you want to watch from the sidelines for awhile, you are welcome here. I don't want to go through this life and wonder if I ever gave anything back to the people around me. I don't want to leave this Earth without leaving behind a legacy for my children. I will be the woman my God intended for me to be.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for supporting me, lifting me up and encouraging me. Thank you for being YOU.



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