Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Law Of Attraction...

The Secret was the greatest phenomenon to hit society not too long ago. In my own way, I had learned a bit about the Law of Attraction through various sources that taught it or promoted using it. I had never taken the time to learn to really reflect on it, though.

I recently filled out an application for a home-based course. One of the "free gifts" that were included just for applying was The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. For the first time, I read through the book. A series of events led me from that book to The Secret. I have only been able to watch the 20 minute mini-movie on YouTube thus far, and look forward watching the rest very soon.

One of the first golden nuggets that I learned was the fact that everything in my present was a direct result of what I was thinking about, manifesting, in the past. When I took the time to reflect beyond just yesterday, and to the beginning of life as I know it now, I realized that I DID think certain thoughts on a regular consistent basis that DO equal my current situation.

This revelation was indeed a hard "pill to swallow" as they say. However, as always, I looked for the lesson and the positive outcome I could gain from this nugget of information. The beautiful thing is I can create a new future from my thoughts RIGHT NOW. I no longer have to take life the direction it was going in and I can change the scenery around me.

As if someone had removed a blindfold from my eyes...all of a sudden everything I had been taught came to the forefront. The Scriptures I loved from The Bible. The books by Joel Osteen, Dale Carnegie and many others. The courses I took with Spiritual Physique and Dani Johnson. The lessons, tutorials, e-books and videos I had in my posession to help me learn and teach others in business. Everything I had already in my possession, which I had gleaned quite a bit from, was now ALL making sense.

My mind reels now, as the 'code' to all things I once studied, all of a sudden made sense. I can now go back to any one course, book, audio, video, etc. and hear everything from almost an "enlightened" perspective, if you will. This has been a monumental time in my life.

Already, I have taken ACTION. I am not "wishing" a perfect life and sitting back on the couch waiting for it to magically appear. The magic is within ME. The wishes I have for my life and the outcomes I want to attract, require work. Lots of work. I need to focus on my thoughts, words and actions. Phrases and thought patterns I have used my entire life have ALREADY shown up in my day-to-day world. Now, is the time to expect more, be more, express more.

I am so grateful for all that I have been through, all that I have experienced, all that I have learned. For everything that I have done, mistakes and good deeds. Everything in my life has been a stepping stone to this moment, and I cannot begin to express how grateful I feel, in mere words.

My "wish" is to become a walking inspiration to all, especially my children. To become the woman God has designed and destined me to be. Finally, for once in my life, I TRULY feel that I am on the right path, headed in the right direction. And, the most amazing this is...I am already starting to attract more people, more business and better situations in to my life. It's amazing!

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